Chronic Disease Management, A better Way

The management of chronic health conditions such as prevention, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension creates a burden upon health care providers. There are now the means to have better monitoring by non-physicians. Access to monitoring and decision-makers are augmented by several offerings.

One example follows:

Integrated Chronic Care Platforms have transformed disease management and prevention, replacing episodic care with combination therapy of smart connected devices, AI learning, and expert coaching. This digital care model helps payors and large employers lower costs and improve member and employee health.

  • Health data monitoring from smart, connected health devices.
  • Translation of health readings into insights to make healthy habits and behaviors last.
  • A digital health company with outcomes in all of diabetes, hypertension, and prediabetes.
  • Scalable care with seamless deployment and enrollment that integrates and doesn't silo.
Chronic disease management takes place in the home, and workplace, requiring a mobile platform (smartphone). Employer-based systems enable employees to access their management programs.  The employer may choose to offer this support to employees as a benefit added to the value of health insurance.

An ideal platform would integrate the employee, employer, and health care provider(s) for chronic disease management.

Help Health Plans and Employers

Prevent and Better Manage Chronic Conditions.

The change from FFS (fee for service) to APM (alternative payment model) requires demonstrated improved outcomes and the use of preventive measures for chronic illness to be proactive rather than waiting for bad outcomes. These new AI-driven programs offer that ability without direct healthcare provider involvement, leading to considerable time and cost-savings

These programs for prevention can be integrated with genetic programs, such as 


Rather, by integrating information from 23andMe into Lark’s proven and peer-reviewed AI coaching programs for diabetes prevention and weight loss, there is simply an added layer of personalization for customers. The integration uses information from a number of reports already available to 23andMe customers. Those include 23andMe’s reports on Genetic Weight, Saturated Fat and Weight, Lactose Intolerance, Caffeine Consumption, Deep Sleep, Sleep Movement, Bitter Taste and Sweet v. Salty Preference.

Cautionary Note

Here’s the breakdown on the Lark Apps:

  • The Wellness Program will tap into data from the 23andMe genetic reports, and the A.I. coach will focus on suggestions around nutrition, sleep, and exercise. The program can also seamlessly merge data from more than 70 other types of monitors or apps to incorporate that information that in turn can improve the personalization of the A.I. recommendations. To integrate Lark’s Wellness Program and use it with your 23andMe results, it will cost $19.99 a month. There is now a special introductory offer of just $14.99 per month.
  • The CDC-recognized Diabetes Prevention Program is a yearlong program meant to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This program includes specialized coaching, a digital scale, and a Fitbit, and some insurance providers cover it. You can find out if you are eligible by downloading  Lark and taking a survey. For those who do not qualify for insurance coverage, they can still self-pay for the Diabetes Prevention Program. The price for this self-pay option includes a digital scale but not a Fitbit.

The above illustration is but one example of what will be developed in the next several years.  Given the relative shortage of   primary care physicians treating both acute illness and chronic management the development of similar digital AI aids will be cost effective, especially in the era of APM


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