Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Digital Health Consumer Adoption Report 2019 |

In 2006 Digital Health Space began publishing about the transformation which was about to take place during the past 15 years. It has followed the usual predictability curve for disruptive innovation. 

Roger's Curve

In 1962, Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology, published his seminal work: Diffusion of Innovations. Rogers synthesized research from over 508 diffusion studies across the fields that initially influenced the theory: anthropology, early sociology, rural sociology, education, industrial sociology,  and medical sociology.  His original curve applied to sociological innovation.

Since Roger's time, there have been other curves developed that more closely follow the adoption of disruptive technology.

Big Bang Theory

This curve indicates a shift to the left, perhaps because of the increase speed of communications delivered by the internet. Social media also contributes to this 'big bang' theory.

Graph- T

The rate of digital adoption by year.

Digital services and solutions are an increasingly common component of the healthcare experience for Americans. Over the past five years that Rock Health has surveyed US adults ages 18 and over, adoption of digital health tools like telemedicine, wearables, and health apps has consistently climbed upwards. In 2019, the historical rise in adoption leveled off in what appears to be a slight moderation of digital health usage overall. However, adoption differs sharply among subgroups of the broader population. These findings have important implications for consumers, startup entrepreneurs, clinicians, and innovators within established, large-scale enterprise healthcare and technology companies.
In this white paper, we examine broad digital health adoption trends among consumers, highlighting findings most likely to drive sustained shifts within healthcare. In addition, we identify and explore differences across population segments to paint a more nuanced, complex picture of consumer behavior. We conclude that consumer-clinician dialogue and transparency around data collection and sharing will be central to the growth of digital technology in healthcare. 

These results were from a survey of consumers about their use of digital. health applications

Click here to download the complete white paper.

Digital Health Consumer Adoption Report 2019 | Rock Health | We're powering the future of healthcare. Rock Health is a seed and early-stage venture fund that supports startups building the next generation of technologies transforming healthcare.:

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